Q. Can I use the Candom with any bulb in a recessed light fixture?
A. Candom fits a standard 5” can light fixture and can be used with different bulbs.
Q. Will the Candom withstand the heat of the bulb?
A. Yes, the Candom was manufactured to withstand up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit
Q. Is it difficult to install?
A. It is so easy to install you can do it yourself with no tools needed. You unscrew the lightbulb, place the Candom on the lightbulb stem with the concaved side facing the bulb. Screw in the lightbulb and your protection against pests begins.
Q. Is it only available for outside usage?
A. Candoms can be used inside and outside that are decorative, clean and provides a designer look. Candoms can be painted to match your décor or accent for different holidays or events.